Getting the most out of global exchange opportunities

Jefferson Hsieh, a Year 3 Taiwanese student pursuing a Bachelor of Science, is ever-grateful to HKU for the many opportunities he has been offered. One of the many is the university’s extensive global exchange programme which brought him to experience university life at Stanford and Yale. What makes Jefferson's Yale experience extra-special is that HKU is one of the five universities in the world that have established a visiting students scheme with Yale. He has also been selected to join the Young Scientist Scheme (YSS) which enabled him to conduct several researches under professors’ guidance.

Another unique opportunity HKU offered was the chance to explore different majors in Year 1 before Jefferson decided which direction to be headed. He proudly says “The opportunities that I have been given by HKU enable me to challenge the status quo and grow academically by learning from others. I have the confidence to face the challenges ahead.”

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